Berlin : Visite guidée du camp de concentration de Sachsenhausen

27 Avis
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Découvrez le système concentrationnaire nazi lors d'une visite guidée du camp de concentration de Sachsenhausen, situé près de Berlin. Vous entendrez parler d'une histoire déchirante ainsi que d'histoires d'une incroyable résilience.

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  • Retracez l'histoire complète du camp de concentration de Sachsenhausen
  • Découvrez la vie quotidienne, les luttes et les défis des prisonniers du camp.
  • Examiner les motivations et l'état d'esprit des gardiens et des prisonniers


Immerse yourself in the chilling yet essential history of World War II, a tour of the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. As the first prototype of the Nazi concentration camp system, Sachsenhausen stands as a haunting testament to the depths of human cruelty and the enduring resilience of the human spirit. This tour offers an unparalleled glimpse into the harrowing realities of the camp's inmates and the brutal machinery that powered the Holocaust. Your ticket also includes a meaningful contribution to the camp memorial, ensuring the preservation of this important historical site for future generations. The meeting point is at the Park Inn Hotel, Alexander Platz, where your guide will pick you up. Along the 30-minute route, your guide will introduce the methodology of the Nazi concentration camp system and how Sachsenhausen became the model camp upon which all future camps were to be designed. Once at the camp, your guide will take you through the SS Concentration Camps Inspectorate, the administrative and managerial authority for the entire concentration camp system of the Third Reich. Walking through the Sachsenhausen main entrance, guests will pass through the infamous Tower A under the infamous words “ARBEIT MACHT FREI”. Once inside the camp, you will be introduced to the daily routine of the inmates, the dreaded morning roll call and the feared shoe testing track. The tour then continues to the Jewish sector of the camp. Here, guests have the opportunity to walk through the overcrowded barracks and gain insight into the horrible living conditions prisoners were subject to. Proceeding to the camp barracks, the tour continues through the camp cell block, a place shrouded in secrecy and the site of cruel mistreatment. Here, British POWs and special inmates, including Stalin’s son, were imprisoned. Next, the tour continues to the camp kitchen, where guests can take a short break, use the restrooms, and explore the exhibition of camp items, including prisoner drawings still visible on the walls. Following the break, guests are introduced to the camp's post-war use by the Soviet Union. Known as ‘Special Camp no.7’, the camp was kept in use, holding 60,000 prisoners, including German POWs, convicted war criminals and political prisoners. Here, we will discuss the continued prisoner mistreatment, post-war conservation efforts and impacts on modern Germany. The tour continues to ‘Station Z’, the camp’s execution site, gas chamber and crematorium. Here guests bear witness to the Nazi’s Final Solution and the systematic murder of prison inmates. Before leaving the camp, we passed through the camp infirmary, where prisoners were subjected to medical experiments. After the tour, guests will be brought back to the original pick-up point at the Park Inn Hotel, Alexander Platz.


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Important Information

  • Cette visite aura lieu en cas de pluie ou de soleil.

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