Berlin by Numbers
For those of you that enjoy facts and figures, here are a few about the city of Berlin...
People and Places
Population|3.3 Million**Area|891.85 km2 (344.35 sq mi)**Population Density|3700 per km2 (9,600 per sq mi)**Percantage of population with migrant background|29%**Average salary|€3200 per month**Car ownership|328 per thousand residents**Bicycle ownership|721 per thousand residents**Visitors per day|500,000**Parkland and forest|276,555km2 (around 30% of the total area of Berlin)**Number of trees in Berlin|435,680**Tallest Building|368metres/1207 feet, The Berliner Fernsehturm (Television Tower) in Mitte**Oldest Building|Built in 1380AD, The Nicolaikirche (St Nicholas' Church) in Mitte**
Things to do
Museums|175**Theatres|50+**Cinemas| Around 300**Restaurants/Cafes|4,650**Bars|900**Clubs|190**Events staged every year|108,500