Important Places and Phone Numbers
Here you will find a list of important phone numbers and places in Berlin.
Important phone numbers:
Emergency Phone number: 112
Emergency Police Hotline: 110
Police Hotline: +49 30 4664 4664 (for non emergency matters. Information about office hours, station locations etc)
Medical hotline (for non-emergency related medical problems outside of normal doctors surgery opening hours): 116 117
Dental emergency hotline: +49 30 89 004 333
Poisons hotline: +49 30 19 240
Addiction and Drug hotline: 01805 31 30 31
Tourist Information: +49 30 2500 2333
Main Hospitals in Berlin:
Charité Campus Mitte Charitéplatz 1 10117 Berlin Tel: 030-450-50 |
Tiergarten: Franziskus Krankenhaus Budapester Str. 15-19 10787 Berlin Tel: 030-2638-0 |
DRK Kliniken Berlin Westend Spandauer Damm 130 14050 Berlin +49 30 303 50 |
Vivantes Klinikum im Friedrichshain Landsberger Allee 49 10249 Berlin +49 30 130 230 |
English Speaking Doctors:
Dr. Med. Lisa Liccini Windscheidstr. 31 (entrance: Pestalozzi Str. 58) 10627 Berlin Tel: +49 30 324 1887 |
Dr. Med. G. Kowalski Giesebrecht Str. 7 10629 Berlin Tel: +49 30 883 4014 |
English speaking dentists:
Dr. Udo Schulwitz Georg-Wilhelm-Straße 23 10711 Berlin Tel: +49 30 8906 8494
Dr. Robert Heym Dr. Ulrich Mitzscherling Dr. Burghard Schräjahr (dentist, dental surgery) Teltower Damm 39 14167 Berlin Tel: 030-845-7500 |
Other important places:
Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde):
For visa extensions, work visas, working holiday visas
Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin
Opening Hours (Be prepared for long wait times if you don’t have an appointment)
Monday 7am – 2pm
Tuesday 7am – 2pm
Thursday 10am – 6pm
Website to make appointments:
Local Council Office (Bezirksamt)
If you plan on staying in Berlin more than a couple of months you will need to register your address with the city of Berlin. You will need the registration document (Anmeldebestätigung) if you plan to open a bank account, apply for a visa, or open a phone or internet account. All you need to do is head to your local council office (Bezirksamt) with your passport and a copy of your rental contract. The process only takes a few minutes. To avoid having to wait too long we recommend heading early in the morning.
Check out the following website for links to the various council offices around Berlin where you can register your address
Tourist Information Offices
There are a number of Tourist information offices and kiosks located conveniently around Berlin:
Fernsehturm (TV Tower Alexanderplatz)
Brandenburger Tor (Pariser Platz)
Hauptbahnhof (Main train station)
Berlin Airports Schönefeld and Tegel